
Below are some examples of how to transform your data into a proximity/distance weighted graph, and then extract the graph’s metric and ultrametric backbones.

Loading packages#

You will most definetely need two packages to start: NetworkX (for handling networks), and the distanceclosure (to calculate their backbones).

import networkx as nx
import distanceclosure as dc

Proximities and distances#

Usually, there are two way to think about graph weights, one is consider every edge like a proximity (or a similarity), and the other is to think it in terms of a distance (or a dissimilarity).

In proximity graphs weights are like probabilities, they range between [0,1]. The stronger (higher) the proximity, the more the nodes are alike, or similar. These graphs are usually obtained from computing the pairwise similarity among all pairs of variables (nodes).

In distance graphs, weight are (er) distances in a particular space (often not euclidean), and they range between [0, infinity]. The smaller the distance, the closer together two nodes are in that space.

Now, proximity and distance measures are isomorphic and we can convert proximity into distances and vice versa.

Proximity to Distances#
>>> dc.utils.prox2dist(1)
>>> dc.utils.prox2dist(0)
Distances to Proximities#
>>> dc.utils.dist2prox(15)
>>> dc.utils.dist2prox(1)

Building a weighted graph and extracting the backbone#

Let’s say you observed a phenomenon n = 10 times. Think scientists talking during coffee breaks on a conference, co-expressed genes in replicate experiments, or friends seen together in photos. Each time, you counted how many times each pair of nodes (scientists, genes, friends) were observed together. If you translate these observations into an edgelist format, you have

>>> counts = {
    ('i', 'j'): 1,
    ('i', 'l'): 2,
    ('i', 'k'): 1,
    ('l', 'k'): 2,
    ('k', 'm'): 5,
    ('k', 'j'): 1,
    ('m', 'j'): 5,

Normalizing the number of observations by the total number of events, you end up with a probability of interaction – or a proximity (similarity) measure. The higher the value, the higher the chances these two nodes were seen together.

>>> proximity = {ij: c/n for ij, c in counts.items()}
>>> proximity
    ('i', 'j'): 0.1,
    ('i', 'l'): 0.2,
    ('i', 'k'): 0.1,
    ('l', 'k'): 0.2,
    ('k', 'm'): 0.5,
    ('k', 'j'): 0.1,
    ('m', 'j'): 0.5,

To convert this similarity into a distance, we use the prox2dist function.

>>> distance = {ij: dc.utils.prox2dist(p) for ij, p in proximity.items()}
    ('i', 'j'): 9,
    ('i', 'l'): 4,
    ('i', 'k'): 9,
    ('l', 'k'): 4,
    ('k', 'm'): 1,
    ('k', 'j'): 9,
    ('m', 'j'): 1,

Now we use NetworkX and convert this edgelist format into a undirected weighted distance NetworkX.Graph object.

>>> D = nx.from_edgelist(distance)
# Make sure every edge has an attribute with the distance value
>>> nx.set_edge_attributes(D, name='distance', values=edgelist)

And compute the metric and ultrametric backbone of this distance graph.

>>> Dcm = dc.distance_closure(D, kind='metric', weight='distance')
>>> Dcum = dc.distance_closure(D, kind='ultrametric', weight='distance')


distance_closure often returns a fully connected graph, which can be quite computationally expensive you have a large graph. If you are only interested in the metric or ultrametric backbone, you should only add new distance values for edges already in the graph, using

Dcm = dc.distance_closure(D, kind='metric', weight='distance', only_backbone=True)

Metric edges are now identified with attributes metric_distance and is_metric. Similarly, ultrametric edges are identified with attributes ultrametric_distance and is_ultrametric. To identify them, simply do

>>> [(i, j) for i, j, d in Dcm.edges(data=True) if d['is_metric'] is True]
[('i', 'j'), ('i', 'l'), ('j', 'm'), ('l', 'k'), ('k', 'm')]

>>> [(i, j) for i, j, d in Dcum.edges(data=True) if d['is_ultrametric'] is True]
[('i', 'l'), ('j', 'm'), ('l', 'k'), ('k', 'm')]

You can also export the results to a Pandas.DataFrame with

>>> nx.to_pandas_edgelist(Dcm)
  source target  is_metric  distance  metric_distance
0      i      j       True       9.0                9
1      i      l       True       4.0                4
2      i      k      False       9.0                8
3      i      m      False       inf                9
4      j      k      False       9.0                2
5      j      m       True       1.0                1
6      j      l      False       inf                6
7      l      k       True       4.0                4
8      l      m      False       inf                5
9      k      m       True       1.0                1

This toy example is the same shown in [SCR21], Figures 4 and 5.